Luke Burgis, the Entrepreneur in Residence at the Busch School of Business came to us with a big, mountain-moving idea. To leverage private education, business entrepreneurship training, and experience design, to create a life-changing course that helps high school students completely re-design their future. Luke wanted to create a flexible course “that gives youth real knowledge and experience of entrepreneurship that can help them design lives of creativity rather than consumption and use business for the betterment of mankind.”

Brand concept: growth comes from changed perspectives

Our design system exudes vibrancy, energy, and a transformative outlook. Taking cues from Apple's iconic "Think different" campaign, we incorporated layered images of visionaries along with dynamic color blocks. To emphasize the potency of innovative thinking, we employed impactful phrases presented in a bold display typeface.


Creative Direction

Course Curriculum Concepting

Pitch Deck Design



Brand Guide

Brand Manifesto

Web Design

Curriculum Design

Pitch Deck


  • 1 million raised with our pitch deck.

  • Curriculum taught in 12 schools nationwide.

  • 21% of CEDE graduates consider CUA as strong option when considering where to apply for college.

The vision and desire to bring principled entrepreneurship education to schools across the globe was met with a clear strategy and beautiful design that communicates value to decision-makers and moves students along on their journey of discernment and service. Marcellino helped us establish the scope and sequence of the course as well as the visual communication through print, web, and multimedia assets. Without his help, CEDE wouldn't be positioned to serve all of our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, when we share the brand standards doc, we regularly hear from our creative partners that it is the best they have ever seen.”

Jon Bachura

Executive Director of CEDE


OSV Challenge

