Preform’s main audience is made up of creatives who are struggling to move past ordinary models for envisioning and performing projects. Their goal is to empower creatives who embrace emerging digital technologies to incarnate their visions and attract new engagement with their art.

We worked to create a brand identity that would provide a glimpse into the client’s creative mythology. Inspired by Archetypal Magician brands like GMUNK, TEDx, and Dyson, our brand utilized a grid-based, black-and-white design style to capture the inherently digital nature of David’s work. A central chromatic aberration effect was woven throughout the design, another callback to Preform’s own visual style. Glitch art aesthetics and action shots of the client’s past performances conveyed a sense of motion. Reminiscent of a wise wizard beckoning a young hero into the unknown,’s brand voice tells performing arts creators, “You have something special in you. I can see it. And I want to make your vision possible.”


Creative Direction

Web Architecture

Brand Moodboard



Brand Guide

Brand Manifesto

Web Design


SENT Ventures


Archangel Capital